Thursday, 5 February 2015

Brief 13 - Project Rationale

The brief is to create a pitch for the OUGD 2015 year book. This is done in collaboration with Samatha Walker & Grace Buckley.

The concept decided on is to create a yearbook which is personal to the year and to the people who will be looking through it and keeping it. The idea of creating a personalised book is that the holder would be more inclined to keep it if they have a personal connection to it where they have had their own input.

The main focus of this is to create that personal connection. This starts at the name of the publication. The idea is that now, us students have ‘made our mark’ with our works, and it’s time for the holder of the book to be able to make their own. The title is ‘Make your Mark’. The idea to do this is to create a page of stickers at the front, which say a variety of positive or interested statements. The holder can then put this on a page or piece of work that they particularly like. This also gives them something they can look back at when in the situation of the end of year show. They can look through the yearbook, choose the work they really like, marker it, and then be able to go around the show with the ability to go to those that they chose in the book.

The layout of the publication will be simple and viewable with large spaces for the imagery. Working on a landscape orientation, it gives a large space for images, and allows the individual to choose their own layout from a grid structure. This creates a personal connection for the students as well and gets them involved and be able to showcase their work how they want to. Throughout the publication there would also be pages which detail events which all the year experienced.

The deliverable for this brief is a short presentation, detailing and explaining the concept and how this would be achieved.

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