Thursday, 12 February 2015

Brief 13 - Final Evaluation/Reflection

While I had originally intended on doing a yearbook, I do think that after doing this pitch, I will decide not to due to time retraints. Nonetheless I did find doing this concept and pitch enjoyable as it gave me a chance to work on something a bit different with two others.

Overall I think our concept was strong in trying to get the audience more involved and invested in the yearbook, however I think the execution could definitely have done with some refining. The end pitch concept was something very different from what I would usually design to in it being more interactive. Despite this I backed the concept and did my best in contributing to it and refining it as much as possible.

I contributed the format and layout design, and I think that this was a strong element to the concept. I do think that what I did was strong and usable in this format of having different sizes/shapes for a variety of peoples work.

While I generally find collaborative projects a bit difficult and long, I think we worked well as a group and were on the same wavelength about what we all wanted in the project and what the outcome would be.

Looking back at it, I do think I should have pushed a bit more onto the design side of it and pushed our ideas further to be something more than what it was and reach the full potential of the concept. I personally find it hard to work in a brief which has interactivity as the main aspect to the concept, so in that aspect, perhaps it wasn’t the best concept for me to be working on.

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