Thursday, 26 February 2015

Brief 12 - Illustrations

When it was found that the illustrations were taking much longer than anticipated, I agreed to create the illustrations for Manchester.

The idea we had for the illustrations was to do them in the three other colours from the branding. As Manchester's colour is red, all the illustrations would be in the blue, turquoise and gold. It was also agreed that it would be well known and iconic buildings.

The three buildings I decided on doing are:
  • Manchester Town Hall
  • Manchester Library
  • Manchester Art Gallery
Town Hall:


The gallery is quite long so I decided on cutting it down so it would be more manageable on the posters.

Cut down gallery:

The feedback on these illustrations was very positive and they will be used in the poster design.

Following this I agreed to take one of Ewan's designs and make it a bit more detailed as the illustrations done by me and Sam were similar in this. Ewan's designs worked really well as supporting imagery, as he had created housing and a landscape mountain/hill range, however the cathedral was quite different to the the style in which me and Sam had done it, so for consistency purposes, and just for use on the posters, I added to it.

I then tried a few colour variations. As the cathedral is in Liverpool, the red must be used instead of the navy blue. This made the design quite striking and hard to look at in some combinations.

We decided on the bottom left design as it had the least amount of red, so was easier to look at. We have found that the red in the illustrations is very bold and makes the designs quite hard to look at so will use it in a minimal.

Overall I am quite surprised at the illustrations I have done. I didn't expect to create illustrations as well as I have. I have never done anything like this before so I was unsure that I would do them well, which is why I didn't want to do them in the first place, however now I am glad I have done some and I hope to experiment further with this in the future.

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