Friday, 3 October 2014

Brief 2: Collaborative Brief - Luxury Chocolate Action Plan

Today Charlie and I decided that one of the most important elements to our collaborative was to create an action plan. This means that we have a record of exactly what we need to do, and when we need to have it done by.

To start with we decided on a date to start this collaboration. Due to the way the calendar works, and that five completed briefs are needed by the 11th December, we decided that we will start the brief on the week starting the 27th October, and complete it by the 10th December. This gives us eight weeks to work on it, which we thought was quite a realistic timescale when we broke down all that needed to be done.

We decided that all research and branding could be done in a week as there are two of us working on this. Following this we decided on four weeks for the packaging designs and testings. This gives us enough time to create mock ups and make sure all measurements of the packaging were correct before going for the final printing slot.

We decided on December 3rd as the printing slot. We feel like this is a good cut off point for the packaging itself as it gives us time to put it all together, as well as get it photographed and create our design boards, and potentially proposals. However if the proposals aren't complete by this deadline, it is always something that can be revisited at a later point.

Action plan:

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