We were split into pairs for the brief. I was paired with Rinesh.
The brief was split into three.
Brief 1
Create a vinyl cover for a limited edition 12" of a mix Evian Christ made called Duga-3.
Brief 2
Create a poster for an ODONIS ODONIS gig. A3.
Brief 3
Create a piece of work individually to no brief and to no reason other than the process of creativity and artistic freedom. 23cm x 16cm.
Brief 1
We decided to go through them how they were presented and start with the first brief. This was also to do with the fact that the mix was being played in the studio so it seemed like the right time to do it.
We started by listening to the track and discussing what came to mind about the music. We quickly agreed that it was glitchy, changed a lot and was quite random in these changes, but kept a consistency within this because of the speed and general feel of the music.
Instead of going on the internet we decided to go to the library and look through some magazines. We decided this because everyone else seemed to instantly go to the internet and we wanted to find some images that would be individual to us.
The aesthetic we wanted to go for was consistent but busy, and have something a bit out of place in there as well, incorporating the glitch idea as well. We did initially look on Pintrest to get an idea of what kind of glitched images we wanted to go for.
Pintrest board
We spent some time looking over a number of different magazines and were going to scan in a fair few images so we could create some variations, however due to the speed of the scanner, we cut this down to four images
Images we scanned:
The first two images fit in with the consistent but busy idea we were going for, and the second two were what we thought would look completely out of place and strange.
From these images we worked on different parts to the brief. I created the glitched images while Rinesh created a line drawing of the woman.
Glitched images:
The first one was one I did by cutting and pasting and warping parts of the image. The second one was done by following a tutorial that Rinesh suggested. We both agreed the second one worked better.
From here we laid the image of the woman over the glitched background. We spent a good while doing this because it wasn't working particularly well at the beginning. We changed the black lines to white and added a dark filter below it and it worked much better.
Final vinyl cover:
The ending of this brief was quite rushed. This was mainly to do with the fact that it took so long to actually scan the images into the computer, so that took up a lot of time. It was quite into the afternoon when we finally got the design finished so had to quickly move onto the second brief.
Brief 2
We didn't have much time left to complete this brief so decided to go with our first ideas. I wanted to work on the typography of the poster while Rinesh had a good idea of what kind of background design to do.
I did also listen to the music by OdonisOdonis and looked over what they already had as their imagery/posters. It was all quite random and inconsistent so we were happy that we could do whatever we wanted and it would fit the brief.
I started by trying out a few layouts for the band name.
I also did a couple of layouts to the overall poster with all the information. The first is very structured and the second is a much more broken grid design.
In terms of the background Rinesh suggested the idea of having it a bit random, bright and colourful and using just photoshop brushes with the idea of paint brushes of colour. There wasn't much time left to the day so we couldn't experiment with this idea much and went with the first thing that was created.
Following the creation of the background, we took this into InDesign as well as each individual piece of text and went about creating a broken, but structured layout.
Initially I wasn't too sure that the poster would work out well, but with editing I think it worked out great in the end.
By the time we finished the poster, there wasn't much time left to the day at all, so I didn't have a huge amount of time to focus on the third brief.
As I had to design something that I wanted, and for no purpose other than that, I thought about what I was doing at the minute and how I could use that as a source of inspiration.
I decided that as I was preparing to do a brief around hand drawn type, I would use this brief as an opportunity to see how I faired at it so far. While I was quite reluctant to do this, I knew it would be a good start to that brief and would help me with it.
Final design:
It is minimal in design due to lack of time, but I found it useful as it showed me how I am at hand drawn type at this moment in time. I did enjoy doing it and think it will be useful for this brief.
Overall I enjoyed the day. I was a little unsure of how I would do with the workshop when it was announced that it was collaborative, however I think we worked well and created some interesting and strong designs.
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