Monday, 27 October 2014

Brief Update

After the crit I decided to reevaluate where I am at this point in time with my briefs. I had wanted to have completed my Italian Bakery/Cafe by this time, however have found that I don't want to restrain my development to this timeline, especially when I feel that I can continue to develop it and balance it with other briefs. I think that there is a lot more that could be done with the brief and want to continue with it to make it a larger brief with larger outcomes.

Following the crit, Charlie and I sat down to discuss our collaborative brief. We both decided that because we both wanted to work on our individual briefs, we would put the collaborative brief on hold at the minute. I don't think either of us are eager t get started on it at the minute, and we don't want to do it badly or when we're uninterested in it, so will be starting it at a later date.

At this point I am also looking over the briefs which I have and am trying to decide what to start and when. I am currently planning to start the 30 Days brief imminently, which will take up a lot of time every day, so I need to be able to manage my time around this.

For the Interim Deadline I need to have five briefs completed. I had intended to have the following briefs completed before this time: Dr Me, fonte de vita, 30 Days, Collaborative & DSM live brief. However following the discussion with Charlie and dropping the collaborative to a later date, I will need to do another brief to be completed before this time.

I looked over the briefs I had written and decided that as I will be doing 30 Days brief, I don't want to do another typographically focussed brief at this time as I want to be able to have a variety as I work so I don't get too bored or frustrated at a certain topic. I had intended to do the EuroStar rebranding brief, however I'm not really excited about that. From now until the deadline I don't have enough time to complete the New York Travel Pack brief, as I think I will really want to do that brief over a long period of time, so I want a short brief for myself.

At this point I am thinking of dropping the Eurostar brief altogether as I think I wrote it at the time just to have eight briefs and wasn't really totally invested in it so much. I do think that if I was excited by it at this time I would do it, but right now it's not what I want to do.

I think that this is something that I really need to think about and decide what I want to do because I don't want to do a brief for the sake of doing a brief, or to meet a deadline. I want to do something that I am interested in but also something I can do well and in a short time.

I am still currently working on a few things for the client brief I have Wheatless & More, but haven't heard anything back from the other two clients as of yet.

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