Thursday, 23 April 2015

Brief 15 - Adding Weights

Following the completion of the letters, I started on creating the weights. I wanted four weights, light, regular, semibold and bold.

I tried out a few different stroke variations and decided on the following four. I decided on these because of the obvious difference in their weight. I didn't want subtle differences, I wanted these to be clear.

While I could have gone thicker for the uppercase for a bolder setting, it just was not working for the lowercase.

As shown above, the 'e' is extremely squashed in the thicker weight, so it would be unrealistic to make it thicker, and I did not want to change the angle of the cutoff on the 'e' because it works with the entire typeface and other letters that use this as well.

Above shows how much thicker the uppercase could have gone without making the letters hard to read. I think I could consider creating the uppercase in this weight in the future, but right now I want the four weights which work over them all.

I applied these weights to all characters and below shows how these type out and sit.

I'm happy with the way the weights have turned out, however I am still slightly concerned about the 'e'. I do think on a smaller scale it does look like the bottom curve is touching the bar, but apart from that, all letters work really well and I am pleased with how it has all turned out.

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