Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Brief 5 - Extension

While I have just decided to cancel this brief due to lack of client contact, I have decided to complete the brief on my own time and finish it in the way I would see fit. This is down to a number of reasons, the first being that I have included it in my portfolio and have had good feedback for it, so it would be great for me if I could actually talk about it a bit more and expand on it.

Right now I had the logo and three icons. The client had asked for a number of other icons, however, I don't think including these will make any difference to the end products. Keeping the three that are there are more linked to the brand as they are of the three specialties. Adding more might dull down the importance of these three icons.

As this was initially meant to be quite a short brief, I will not be spending a huge amount of time on it as I already have the majority of the work for it. It's just a case of applying this branding to the necessary products. I also created mockups to show how the interior of the restaurant could look.

Product Mock ups

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