Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Brief 6 - Final Evaluation/Reflection

While this brief was very simple in terms of content and execution, I did find it to be enjoyable and educational for myself with the content. It is a subject which I knew quite well to begin with, and now I feel that it has taught me a lot more and has certainly helped me in considering the impacts of this content in my future briefs. Typography is always something I have enjoyed, so to finally do a brief dedicated to just this as a subject is something that I was very happy with and found to be enjoyable.

This brief has also allowed me to further my book binding skills and learn an entirely new kind of binding in coptic binding. This is a style of binding I have always wanted to learn, and while it was a bit tricky to begin with, I am now very confident in my ability to replicate this style of binding whenever I want. I think that this binding was one of the strengths to the project and gave the finished publication a uniqueness and professional appearance.

It was a short brief, and I am definitely considering taking it further in a secondary brief, potentially creating more content and more deliverables outside a publication. However as a single piece I do think it works well and consistently throughout the publication.

I think that the simple style of the layouts and imagery worked well in putting across the information in an informative and straight to the point way. While I was initially a little worried that the design would look sparse and not very professional, when printed it works well and the simple layouts help in showing exactly what each page is about and illustrates the importance well. The use of only two colours also aids this decisiveness of the content.

I enjoyed this brief and found that as I knew a lot of the content I could make informed decisions in terms of the order and layout of the information. I have always enjoyed creating publications, and now I have learnt another binding technique which I will continue to utilise in the future.

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