This brief is definitely the brief which I have found the hardest to do in terms of keeping it consistent across thirty days. Having to set aside time every day for this has been a challenge with some of the other briefs and work I have been doing at the same time. However I do think that doing this brief was definitely beneficial and I know that my skills in hand drawn typography have vastly improved from where they were at the beginning of this brief.
The best thing about this brief was that I was able to do what I wanted and experiment in a variety of different type styles and layout. With other briefs there are brands and guidelines to stick to, but in this brief, with each days effort being different, I have been able to enjoy it and do whatever I want instead of sticking to the same thing every day. It has given me a real taste for the variety of styles that are possible with hand drawn typography, and it has shown me what I really do enjoy and what I am good at.
I found that I excelled in the design during the second week and was able to vary my designs a lot more. I think that this was down to confidence and the fact that I had done a first week of a variety of styles and found that while some of them didn’t work too well, I do have some skill in this area and can push myself to develop that. While I can definitely say there are a number of designs which I am unhappy with due to my lack of skill in certain styles, it was all part of a learning curve and I am glad that I experimented in all styles.
As well as developing my skills in this style of design, this brief has also given me a much deeper understanding in the way which typography is formed and the principles behind it. This, with the research I have been conducting for my Cop3, I have found that the information gathered has really helped me consider the designs I have been creating and consider how the letters work together. This has overall given me a much better understanding into the typography anatomy and principles in general.
This brief has also allowed me to consider the idea of being able to create my own hand drawn fonts or typography designs for other briefs/in the future. I am now much more confident in this design and want to continue to push myself in this and use it as much as possible. It will definitely help me in the initial stages of briefs in visualising solutions in a much more realistic way.
Overall I have enjoyed the process and will definitely be thinking about whether I can complete it again, pushing myself again in this area to hopefully come out with some exciting and excelled pieces of hand drawn typography.
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