Thursday, 14 May 2015

Brief 14 - Evaluation/Reflection

The aim of this brief changed a fair few times from the original writing, however I think that the final outcome has proven that I made the right decision in creating an App design instead of going down the route of branding and collateral.

My interest in App design has increased greatly throughout the year, and I felt confident enough to be able to do a full App brief. My skills have improved a huge amount and I think that I was able to apply these to this outcome to create a successful and professional looking App.

I think the strongest part to this App is the overall layout and use of colour to indicate buttons or separate sections. The use of photographic imagery with flat design created a strong visual aesthetic and gave each page depth. Particularly, I think the illustrated iconography worked really well across the App as they were simple, but detailed enough to be bespoke.

Choosing a subject like travel was a good thing to do as it is not a subject I have created work around before. It gave me a new subject area to look into and think about how the App would work in the situation where it would be needed, and what features are necessary for it to be successful and useful, not just look nice.

The main thing that this brief has done is make me think about the necessary elements to an App and how necessary an App actually in for a task. An App should be created to be helpful and useful, not just because it can be created and be there. There must be a purpose to it. Another important thing that I have had to consider through this brief is the appearance and usability. Something may look good, but if it takes a long time for the user to reach a certain part of the App, they are never going to keep it. Creating a simple interface and navigation which links well and as minimal as possible is what is important, and this has been shown in the simplicity of the App’s navigation.

Overall I enjoyed this brief and would have liked to extend it out to more formats and avenues, but with time restraints this was not possible. However, what I have done up to this point has been successful and I think it is a strong design with a good purpose.

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